PAC extending the use of remote assessments

Pennsylvania Accreditation Centre Inc. (PAC) is responding to the continuing restrictions on contact and travel and is extending the use of remote assessments. Whereas remote assessments were previously intended only as a replacement for necessary surveillance assessments and reassessments during the period of restrictions caused by the corona pandemic, they can now also be used under certain circumstances for the processing of applications for extension.

From now on, PAC will use remote assessments as part of the extension process if the conformity assessment body (CAB) making the application already has the basic competence of the accreditation area to be extended. Conditions for a remote assessment are that the CAB is proficient in the subject of the extension and has fully integrated it into its management system. Along with the application, the CAB should provide the PAC case manager with all documents and records that make this clear. PAC will decide on this basis whether a remote assessment can be conducted.


To protect its staff and assessors, and also to protect the health of its clients, PAC has been dispensing with on-site assessments since mid-July To ensure that it can fulfil its legal mandate responsibly and offer a reliable service to its clients despite the restrictions associated with the corona pandemic, PAC has - where possible - switched its assessment activities to remote assessments.

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